Colorado Summer Blues

by Barbara Jewell
Colorado Summer Blues
Barbara Jewell
Painting - Watercolor
Beautiful blue lupine wildflowers at the edge of a meadow with a mountain backdrop are featured in this watercolor. This painting pictures summer near Gothic, and Crested Butte, CO, "The wildflower Capital of Colorado."
July 21st, 2014
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Comments (18)

Hanne Lore Koehler
Fantastic painting of these spectacular lupines, Barbara! Magnificent detail and color! Masterful artistic composition! L/F
Barbara Jewell replied:
thanks so much, Hanne, for your generous comments and support; always greatly appreciated!

Lauren Liceaga
Lovely work. LF
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks so much, Lauren, for your visit, comment, and support; much appreciated!

Maria Hunt
Amazing. I congratulate you on both your creation and on your Special Feature in the Magic of Flowers... Magnificent! F/L

Anne Gifford
I love the purples and blues you have worked through the flowers. What a beautiful painting! vote/like

Randy Rosenberger
It is a true honor to bestow upon you the special recognition, of being Featured on our homepage, due to the professional quality, creativity, and pure beauty of this fine piece of art work. As administrator of the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group, I am proud of you for this accomplishment. I Liked and Faved. R.B. Rosenberger (admin. of the WFS group)

Barbara Jewell
Many thanks, Vesna, for featuring this piece in the "Landscapes, Flowers, and Animals group!

Cathy Lindsey
Beautiful watercolor! l/f and voted in contest
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks so much, Kathy, for you comment along with all your support with your vote, L, and F...greatly appreciated!!

Barbara Jewell
Thank you so much, Lenore, for featuring this new piece in the Old Masters group...greatly appreciated!

Carol L Miller
Congratulations. Great distance in your picture with beautiful flowers in the foreground.