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Dressed For Winter Painting by Barbara Jewell

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Comments (4)

Anand Swaroop Manchiraju

Anand Swaroop Manchiraju

Awesome Mountain scenery,very well done in watercolor!!Fabulous colors and style of work. L/F

Barbara Jewell replied:

Belated thanks, Anand, for your generous comments and support!

Mark Ashkenazi

Mark Ashkenazi

Beautiful art works , l v f

Barbara Jewell replied:

Thank you so much, Mark...very belatedly, I'm afraid!

Lenore Senior

Lenore Senior

I am a huge fan of your work and love your abstracts! This one has my favorite color combination! Fantastic and beautiful work of art!! v/f/tw!!

Barbara Jewell replied:

Thanks so much, Lenore, for your comment and support. Greatly appreciated! (I do wonder about my "abstracts?" I pretty much stick to realism. Maybe that's another artist??) Great to hear from you anyway!

Mona Davis

Mona Davis

Love The mountains. Wish I could live in this area.

Barbara Jewell replied:

Thanks, Mona, for leaving the first comment on this image!! When the weather gets hot down there in TX, head north to CO to enjoy the cooler air and awesome mountain scenery. You'll be able to see this mountain and others from Crested of my favorite CO locations!

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Dressed For Winter by Barbara Jewell
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