From a Distance

by Barbara Jewell
From a Distance
Barbara Jewell
Painting - Watercolor
Autumn watercolor overlooking the Kiski River and valley from a hill high above. This image reminds us that no matter how far we sometimes feel from God, He is always available to us; watching over us, though it may often seem it is "From a Distance."
June 5th, 2012
Comments (10)

Madalena Lobao-Tello
CONGRATULATIONS!! Featured on Female Artists - Creative Women!!! Absolutely fabulous work. Very well done!!!!!

Cheri Randolph
Barbara, I am so glad that my comments were well-received and at a time that you might have needed a little lift. Your paintings ARE truly incredible! Hope you are better soon! Cheri

Madalena Lobao-Tello
Absolutely fabulous watercolour!!! V
Barbara Jewell replied:
Madalena, thank you so much for your comment and for sponsoring the Female Artists' group which is creating another showcase for our work, with additional opportunities for communicating with one another!

Cheri Randolph
Barbara, This amazing photo-realism painting was my selection for discussion today in the Female Artists-Creative Women Group. You are able to achieve what we photographers only attempt poorly in Photoshop, and that is, to realistically portray a subject or scene, but to soften it with texture. I only wish that Pennsylvania was not so far from me, because I would love to see them in person. voted
Barbara Jewell replied:
Cheri, I wrote you a reply on the Female Artists' page, but just in case that doesn't appear in a place you see it, I wanted to reply here too. As I said in my other post, "You made my day today!!" I find that realism in painting is often devalued, so it is trememdously gratifying to receive your supportive comments! Thank you so much for that and for choosing this piece as your favorite. I have been sick all week and feeling miserable, but your message has been a huge boost on the road to recovery! Thanks SO much!

Jutta Maria Pusl
Barbara, I hope you didn't misunderstand me. I think it's a proof of your talent and your ability that people mistake your art with photography. I have a lot of respect for your accomplishment and would like to be able to paint as realistic as you.
Barbara Jewell replied:
I DO appreciate your comment, and when folks say my work looks photographic, I know they are being complimentary, so that is how I take it. However, a number of years ago, I had an instructor who didn't value realism at all, saying that "if your're going to paint realism, you might as well just take a photograph." I know there are other art "critics" who share her opinion, and I still hear echoes of that comment. Nevertheless, I love the challenge of doing what I do, and am always encouraged by the affirmation of other artists! So, thank you again, Jutta!

Jutta Maria Pusl
Barbara, your gallery is stunning! When I look at the preview I always think it's a photo. 'Wonderful landscape painting!
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thank you for being the first to leave a comment on this painting as well and for your encouraging thoughts! People often mistake my work for photos until they see an enlargement. Maybe I should loosen up...but I probably won't :-)