Grabbing a Snack

by Barbara Jewell
Grabbing a Snack
Barbara Jewell
Painting - Watercolor On Masa Paper; Japanese Rice Paper
A baby elephant grabs a mouthful of foliage from a nearby shrub as he frolicks freely out in the open.
June 10th, 2014
Comments (56)

Barbara Jewell
Jeanette, thank you so much for the feature of this piece in the Animals group! I appreciate your support.

Sarah Irland
Congratulations on your win in the Just Elephants contest for this beautiful painting, Barbara! Well deserved! Voted.

Danett Britt
Congratulations Barbara on your feature in the group Landscapes and Animals Paintings
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks so much, Danett, for the recent feature in the Landscapes and Animals Paintings group!

Morris Finkelstein
Beautiful watercolor painting of a young Elephant, with great colors, pose, and perspective, Barbara! Congratulations on your Third Place Finish in the Animals contest. F/L

Genevieve Esson
Love this amazing artwork! So beautiful! vf
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks so much, Genevieve, for your comment and support for one of my favorites also!

Michel Verhoef
Ha....such a nice little fellow....lovely editing too !
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks, Michel. Glad to know you like this piece. (No editing involved, though...just a photo of the original watercolor.)

Randy Rosenberger
Congratulations on being chosen for the big Feature, Elvis Pick of the Week, Your artwork was chosen to be FEATURED in this HOT spot on our homepage for this week. A truly lovely piece of artwork for all the world to view and enjoy. Thanks much for sharing! Randy B. Rosenberger Administrator of the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group
Barbara Jewell replied:
Randy, I am so honored to be featured in your "Elvis Pick of the Week!" I so appreciate your wonderful support.

John Bailey
Congratulations on being featured in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"
Barbara Jewell replied:
I'm thrilled to have this image featured in the "Images That Excite You!" group!!