Innocence and Promise

by Barbara Jewell
Innocence and Promise
Barbara Jewell
Painting - Watercolor
Two children are walking hand in hand along a sunlit trail in Cook Forest State Park in Cooksburg, PA. The children are my brother and I, painted in watercolor from a black and white photo taken by our Dad in the '50's. This painting represents our early "life journey," which was full of innocence and promise. I still return often to this place, to hike this very trail, and to thank God, and my father, for their companionship on my continuing journey so many years later. Last year my dad passed away, just a few months shy of 99. Last summer, I scattered some of his ashes here in several special places, including along this trail we so enjoyed; along a dirt road where he taught me to ride a two-wheeler, and a pond where he first convinced me to try the "dead-man's float." Rest in peace, Dad. You are missed every day.
June 5th, 2012
Comments (27)

Barbara Moak
This is a gorgeous watercolor, Barbara and the title is so right and the backstory touching.
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thank you so much, Barbara, for your generous comment on this piece; greatly appreciated!

Karen Beasley
Precious! What a wonderful description. LF
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks, Karen, for your positive response to this piece...one of my personal favorites.

Judith Monette
Sweet picture; congratulations on your sale!
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thank you, Judith, for your congratulations...such an affirmation when sales happen!

Barbara Jewell
Many thanks to the collector from Columbus, GA, who purchased a framed print of this image. Your support is greatly appreciated!!

Anne Sands
What a great painting and nice story. It reminds me of my painting entitled a walk in the woods with my two grandkids.
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thank you, Anne. So happy to know you enjoyed his one, and I will check out "Walk in the Woods!"

Henryk Gorecki
Beautiful,adorable scene!Perfect color,light and shadows! f/v
Barbara Jewell replied:
I greatly appreciate your wonderful comments, Henryk! Thank you so much for writing.

D August
Not only a fantastic piece of art, but apparently a very special and deeply personal one. Thanks for sharing not only the beautiful painting, but the beautiful story behind the concept. v
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks for another generous comment. So happy to know you like this one, which is indeed a special one to me!

Sharon Burger
congratulations on you win in the old masters contest, this is such a beautiful memory.and well deserved win.... v/f
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks so much, Sharon, for your supportive message, v, and f. Much appreciated!!

Lenore Senior
CONGRATULATIONS on your Third Place in The Human Family Contest sponsored by Old MASTERS--Painters and Traditional Arts. Excellent work! v/f/feature.

Carol Wisniewski
Barbara, Another beautiful watercolor so nicely done and one of many in your profile. v.

Madalena Lobao-Tello
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your artwork is among the Top 10 in the Contest "Happiness and Joy" sponsoring by the Group Female Artists . Great image, wonderful colors, very well done!
Barbara Jewell replied:
What great news to be recognized as among the top 10 among all the wondeful images in this contest. Thank you, Madalena!!

Anne Gifford
Surprise! I clicked the vote button and THEN looked at the name of the artist. Your work always captivates me. The lighting on this is incredible.
Barbara Jewell replied:
I always appreciate your comments, Anne, as I am a great admirer of your work, and thanks for the vote!

Madalena Lobao-Tello
CONGRATULATIONS!! Featured on Female Artists - Creative Women!!! Great artwork. Love the colours, textures and composition!!!!!
Barbara Jewell replied:
Madalena, thank you SO much for the feature!! This one is special to me, so I am especailly happy to know you liked it!

Kim Hymes
Just precious. v/f
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks for your comment, Kim! I have been enjoying your beautiful autumn photos.

Kristin Elmquist
The title is perfect, Barbara. This one tugs at my heart. Vote.
Barbara Jewell replied:
So happy to hear you like it! I painted it from a small black and white snapshot my Dad had taken in the 50's of my brother and me. He was thrilled with it.