Peaches and Tea

by Barbara Jewell
Peaches and Tea
Barbara Jewell
Painting - Watercolor
Still-life watercolor of fresh peaches beside a silver tea pot showing reflections and shadows.
June 5th, 2012
Similar Subjects
Comments (31)

Lori Moon
Congratulations on your feature in the Art of Watercolor
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thank you Lori for the feature in the Art of Watercolor...greatly appreciated!

Donna Kennedy
Fabulous watercolor Barbara, Congratulations on your Highlighted Artist Feature of the Week in WFS!....L

Carolyn Rosenberger
Congrats on your Highlighted Artist Feature! Beautiful colors, shadows, and composition! L&F
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thank you so much, Carolyn, for your wonderful comments and much appreciated support!

Nikolyn McDonald
Gorgeous watercolor - love the yellows and oranges of those delectable peaches with all the blue tones. Congratulations on your selection as a Highlighted Artist at WFS this week.

Randy Rosenberger
Congratulations for being one of our present SPECIAL HIGHLIGHTED ARTISTS, as you are very deserving of this special honor. Check it out on top of the Homepage of our site. It surely is a true honor to FEATURE THIS BEAUTY ON OUR HOMEPAGE! Your talents and love for art are surely dominant in this beautiful piece of outstanding art work! Thanks so very much for sharing, so we may enjoy and adore the beauty within! LIKED AND FAVED Randy B. Rosenberger (admin of WFS group) http://fineartamerica.com/groups/wisconsin-flowers-and-scenery.html
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thank you so much, Randy, for all your time and effort in promoting this group!

Clotilde Espinosa
Wow Barbara, this is outstandingly well done and so beautiful...I saw it in a contest and of course voted for it..!! F/L..
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thank you so much, Clotilde, for your wonderful comments and support! good to hefar from you again. :-))

Karen Adams
You can feel the peach fuzz! Love the colors and the shadows and how you give each item in the scene the perfect feel of its texture! vf

Chrisann Ellis
Barbara, Super Beautiful!.. How I wish I could paint watercolors with you!... I so love your gallery of work.. fav/vt

Madalena Lobao-Tello
CONGRATULATIONS!! Featured on Female Artists!! Great artwork. Love the colours, textures and composition!!!!!

Bob and Nancy Kendrick
Barbara, Congratulations on your 2nd place win in the Kitchen and Dining Room Objects contest! Wonderful painting! V/p

Patricia Januszkiewicz
Congratulations Barbara on winning 2nd place in the Kitchen and Dining Room Objects contest! Your "Peaches and Tea" is indeed a winner ... I've featured your painting in the Inanimate Objects group ... please consider joining the group .... patricia
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks, Patricia, for hosting the contest and for the feature! I was born and raised in Cleveland, actually, Cleve. Hts. What part are you from?