Red Fox- Caught in the Moment

by Barbara Jewell
Red Fox- Caught in the Moment
Barbara Jewell
Painting - Watercolor
A watercolor rendering of a beautiful red fox in the wild, in the area around the Grand Tetons. He pauses, one paw suspended, as though purposely posing for the on-lookers, knowing how handsome he is!
July 22nd, 2016
Comments (21)

Donna Kennedy
Beautiful painting Barbara...like/vote
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks, donna. Happy to know you liked this one...one of my personal favorites!

Danett Britt
Congratulations on your feature in the group Landscapes and Animals Paintings. This is such a beautiful painting of a fox. The reds and grays together with the light are so wonderful Barbara.
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thank you so much, Danette, for the group feature and for your supportive comments...greatly appreciated!

Kay Brewer
Congratulations on your feature in the 500 Views Group! Lf
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks so much, Kay, for your comment and support. Having seen your animal photos I am honored!

Luther Fine Art
Congratulations,! Your artwork has been Featured by the - ABC Group U IS FOR U in The Title Week!. You are invited to archive it in the Feature thread LF

Anne Gifford
Fabulous textures and subtle complimentary colors. Wonderful work, Barbara! Like/f
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks, Anne, for your encouraging comments. This painting was all about the textures and colors, so it's tremendously gratifying to know that an artist I so greatly admire "got it!" This piece won "first place" recently in a regional art show. The judge's statements re: her reasons for this choice echo your comments. In addition, she remarked on the degree of detail which added to the piece while still maintaining the character of watercolor. So, your comments; those of that judge, together with a People's Choice award in a show this year, have been wonderfully satisfying. Thanks again, and have a great Thanksgiving!!

Jennifer Myers
WOW!! Wonderful painting!! Can't believe the incredible detail that you achieve with watercolor..very talented!!
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks so much, Jennifer. I am gratified to know that you appreciate this piece as it is probably the most difficult painting I have attempted to date, and was pleased with the result, so many thanks!

Beverly Guilliams
Fantastic detailed Painting, Barbara..............v./f./tweet
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thank you for your most appreciated comments and support, Beverly! This painting won the "People's Choice" award in a recent show, which pleased me greatly as it is one of my personal favorites too!

Barbara Jewell
Thanks so much, Lauren, for featuring this painting in the "Discover Watercolor Artists" group. Much appreciated!!

Lenore Senior
CONGRATULATIONS, Barbara! This fine painting is my Administrator's Choice of the Week in the fine art group, Old MASTERS--Paintings and Traditional Arts! This is excellent wildlife art and I just love the colors and expressiveness, as well as body language! Fabulous! v/f/feature and fb & tw promotion!

Wonju Hulse
wow~ an elegant fox! l/f
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thank you, and I like your word, "elegant" for him! His pose makes him look like he thinks that about himself.

Randy Rosenberger
This lovely piece of art work deserves many accolades, and I hope you get them on our WFS site, as they surely are worthy of high recognition. It is with pride and pleasure that I Feature this beautifully done piece of artwork on our Homepage. Thanks much for sharing your talents and the beauty of your great works. Liked & Faved Randy B. Rosenberger (admin of WFS group)
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thank you, Randy, for your ever generous comments on this new piece! I so appreciate your wonderful support and thank you for featuring this image.