Sun Stroked

by Barbara Jewell
Sun Stroked
Barbara Jewell
Painting - Watercolor
Sunlight and shadows on a red, weathered Pennsylvania barn with fresh cut logs in the foreground.
June 5th, 2012
Comments (27)

Gull G
Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye, and the eye through the mind. As the sun colours flowers, so does art colour life. -- Congratulations on your recent sale of an amazing work!

Randy Rosenberger
Congratulations for having this great piece of artwork chosen to be featured in our Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group. I am proud to be able to support and promote all artists within our group. I very much enjoyed viewing the masterfully done piece from you portfolio to show off to all other artists and to attract perspective buyers. Thanks for sharing your beautiful artwork with all FAA members. Well worthy of this recognition.

Mary Wolf
Terrific watercolor, Barbara. The cut logs do a wonderful job of leading you into the painting, and I really love the way you paint the light and shadows. L/F
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thank you, Mary, for your specific feedback and wonderful support...much appreciated!

Michael Eingle
Beautiful farm scene Barbara! Love all the cut logs! l/f
Barbara Jewell replied:
Happy to know you like this one, Michael! I appreciate the specific feedback, l and f too!!

Alan Lakin
Absolutely beautiful work. Instant like and favorite.
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks so much, Alan, for your visit, generous comments and support. Much appreciated!

Loriental Photography
Beautiful artwork, I love both colors, sun rays and summer atmosphere !
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thank you AGAIN!! It's great to know what specific qualities of a painting are appealing to viewers.

Barbara Jewell
Thank you for your support, Shawn, and for featuring this piece in the Seasons of Beauty group!

Anne Gifford
This is gorgeous, Barbara! If I could vote in the current contest, I would once again vote for you!!!

Carlos G Groppa
Great, Barbara. Just great. Congrat on your sale.
Barbara Jewell replied:
Carlos, thank you so much for writing. I appreciate your feedback and support!