The End - Andy and Bear-Bear

by Barbara Jewell
The End - Andy and Bear-Bear
Barbara Jewell
Painting - Watercolor
Watercolor of my nephew, Andy, asleep and snuggling his favorite stuffed animal: "Bear Bear."
June 5th, 2012
Comments (25)

Diane Marcotte
This is a lovely painting Barbara! It brings back fond memories of my own sons.
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks, Diane! Those memories are precious as that time is over all too quickly!

Nikolyn McDonald
Just adorable - gotta love the scrunched up position and the teddy bear and blanket. Congratulations on the first place win in recent "Children as the Subject Matter" the contest.
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks so much, Nikolyn! I have my brother to thank for capturing a photo of his sleeping baby son from which I painted this image...a family favorite!

Karen Adams
Beautiful, beautiful painting, Barbara! I am trying to type quietly so I don't wake the baby!...fav/v26
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks so much for your comment, Karen, and for the F/V too. So happy to know you like this one!

Barbara Jewell
Thanks, Robert, for featuring this piece in the FAA Featured Art group. I appreciate your support!!

David Kehrli
As a fellow watercolorist, you've done a masterful w/c job here, Barbara! Love the teddy's texture! David

Lenore Senior
CONGRATULATIONS on your Third Place in The Human Family Contest sponsored by Old MASTERS--Painters and Traditional Arts. Excellent work! v/f/feature.

Sherri Crabtree
This is marvelous! No one could look at this and not be touched, first by the subject, and then when one realizes the skill involved.

Alexandra Jordankova
Stunning artwork! Great watercolor Barbara - love it! - voted/ faved & FB promoted
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thank you so much, Alexandra. I really appreciate your lovely comments and support!

Madalena Lobao-Tello
CONGRATULATIONS!! Featured on Female Artists - Creative Women!!! Absolutely fabulous work. Very well done!!!!!
Barbara Jewell replied:
Madalena, I so appreciate your supportive comments and also the feature! Thank you!!

Annamarie Sidella-Felts
Wow - your watercolors are so beautiful!! What a precious painting!! I love it!
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks so much, Annamarie, for your comment and for taking the time to write!

Lenore Senior
Greetings, Barbara~and welcome to Old MASTERS. This painting is absolutely endearing and precious. Love this! Instant v/f

Murphy Elliott
Your work is stunning, delightful artistry Barbara.
Barbara Jewell replied:
After seeing your work, I am truly honored to have my work noticed by you. Thank you!