Wild Lupine

by Barbara Jewell
Wild Lupine
Barbara Jewell
Painting - Watercolor
A meadow of blue lupine blooming in mid summer with Gothic Mountain in the background in Gothic Colorado.
June 4th, 2012
Similar Subjects
Comments (31)

Gary F Richards
Outstanding Wild Lupine composition, lighting, shading, excellent color and artwork! Congratulations on your beautiful moving Special Feature! F/L

Anne Gifford
This is outstanding, Barbara! The detail shows incredible skill and artistry, as well as patience!. Congratulations on your All Colorado group feature!

Richard Bryce and Family
Really wonderful, Barbara! Terrific colors. Congrats on the All Colorado special feature!

Lorraine Baum
Congratulations Barbara! Your wonderful image has been featured in the All COLORADO Group! Please post it in the All COLORADO discussion: ‘Featured Images Archive for January 1 - March 31, 2024’. L/F

Laurel Adams
Barbara, CONGRATULATIONS on your tied HONORABLE MENTION LEAD in the Watercolor Field of Flowers Contest ...YAY!...best to you.

Hanne Lore Koehler
Fantastic painting of this spectacular lupine meadow and mountain, Barbara! Magnificent detail and color! Masterful artistic composition! L/F
Barbara Jewell replied:
So happy to know of your positive response to this painting! I love the place and was happy with this image of it.

Hanne Lore Koehler
Fantastic wild lupine painting, Barbara! Gorgeous detail, colors and light! Wonderful mountain background! L/F

Randy Rosenberger
Your excellence in your submission of this work is worthy of special recognition, and I am seeing to it, that this happens in the WFS group. I am so happy to have you as an active member of our family of friends and fine artists, who support one another by comments, likes, faves, sharing, etc. Thanks for all your efforts to make our group so special by having a fine artist like yourself among many other fine artists that make our group so special.
Barbara Jewell replied:
Many thanks, randy, for the feature and for all the support you provide for this wonderful group!

John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thank you, John, for the feature in the "Images that Excite You" group. Your support is much appreciated!

Donna Kennedy
Beautiful color and detail in this fantastic watercolor painting Barbara!!...like/tweet

Maria Hunt
Sheer perfection, Barbara. I congratulate you on both your creation and on your Special Feature in the Magic of Flowers... Magnificent! F/L

Greta Corens
Unique and awesome. Bravo for this marvelous art. I wanted to thank you for your incredible contributions to the group! L/F CONGRATULATIONS! This image is now featured on the Homepage of the Group 'The Magic of Flowers'. You are invited to visit the group and promote this image on the discussion thread "Flower Exhibit from Painterly Magicians".
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thank you so very much, Greta, for your generous comments and support for this image in featuring it on the group home page!! I feel honored.

Greta Corens
Barbara, you capture with incredible verve Beauty in a superb watercolor! A WINNER! L/F You are invited to contribute this beautiful painted flower to the The Magic of Flowers group. Here is the link: http://fineartamerica.com/groups/the-magic-of-flowers.html?tab=overview
Barbara Jewell replied:
Thanks so much, Greta, for discovering this one. I'm thrilled to know you like it!!